Wulf's Webden

The Webden on WordPress

4 October 2016
by wpAdmin

Watching Paint

I saw a news story this week about how watching videos of people mixing paint is apparently a current ‘thing’ on the internet. That reminded me of this fascinating video that I bookmarked last year but hadn’t got round to … Continue reading

8 October 2015
by wpAdmin

Nameless Paints

Nameless paints sound like something Cthuloid but actually turn out to be a rather interesting set of pigments from Japan. Rather than giving each tube a name, they are described with blobs of primary colour. Of course, that means you … Continue reading

6 April 2013
by wpAdmin
1 Comment

Gloopy Paint

I think I am just about done with painting the ceiling we had plastered last week. For the first coat I used some old, slightly watered-down white that we have had kicking around since our last project. To finish off … Continue reading