Here’s today’s baking: Small loaves or big rolls? Take your pick but I know what I’m including in my breakfast tomorrow.
17 December 2021
by wpAdmin
17 December 2021
by wpAdmin
Here’s today’s baking: Small loaves or big rolls? Take your pick but I know what I’m including in my breakfast tomorrow.
7 November 2021
by wpAdmin
Recently, instead of throwing out the skins from the pumpkin I processed, I dried them out in my dehydrator and then blitzed them into a powder. That, in turn, went into loaf of bread I made this weekend. Did it … Continue reading
9 October 2021
by wpAdmin
I made a beetroot bread last month with chunks of beetroot. It was tasty but, having made it by hand, it had distinct chunks rather than the more integrated effect I used to get with a bread machine. You can … Continue reading
25 August 2021
by wpAdmin
Today’s baking experiment was between loaves and rolls – four flat(ish) loaves.
6 August 2020
by wpAdmin
Some years ago, I was given a large, circular pizza stone. I haven’t made that many pizzas on it but I’ve turned out countless loaves of bread. You put it in the oven as it heats up and it sears … Continue reading
8 July 2020
by wpAdmin
I seem to be having a food writing week! Today’s theme is bread. I made a loaf, drawing on a few concepts I have been learning about or refining recently. However, one of those wasn’t to shape the loaf, turn … Continue reading
17 April 2020
by wpAdmin
By ‘crusty’, I mean ‘whoops, that stayed in the oven a bit longer than I had intended’. By ‘bread’, I mean a loaf made of various flour like substances (bread flour, self-raising flour, polenta and gram flour). In other words, … Continue reading
1 February 2020
by wpAdmin
This evening I’ve been cooking for a church lunch tomorrow, trying a recipe for ‘pizza spirals’ from a book I’ve got out of the library. Essentially: make a pizza dough, roll it out in a rectangle, top and then roll … Continue reading
29 January 2019
by wpAdmin
I’ll get a nice loaf of bread done in the machine overnight, I thought yesterday evening. Unfortunately, I’m so used to using the dough setting on the machine that I switched to that program before setting the timer and so … Continue reading
12 January 2019
by wpAdmin
When the Bible says “man shall not live by bread alone” (Dt 8:3), it isn’t dietary advice but an injunction to feed (metaphorically) on God’s words. From a Christian perspective, that means reading the Bible and also keeping a focus … Continue reading