Wulf's Webden

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Watch Out For…


Yesterday’s gig with The Adrian Astor Quintet went well – this time, we got the sunshine and so actually had some crowds to please.

We also welcomed a young trumpeter, Gideon, up to sit in for Cantaloupe Island. Pico and I heard him at the ‘Teeth gig on Thursday and were impressed by his musicianship so invited him over. I am not sure how old he is but I suspect it might be a few years before he starts shaving!

Anyway, he gets a sweet tone out of his horn and it was a pleasure to have him on stage. If he sticks with the music, he could be a name to watch out for in years to come so, as a note to myself, I gigged with Gideon Brooks (Brookes?) on 2 June 2007 anno domini.

Last gig of the weekend in a few hours time, so time to stop blogging and start practising!

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