Wulf's Webden

The Webden on WordPress

31 January 2008
by wpAdmin

Wine Ratings

Since starting my attempt to become more educated about wine (see wine review blog entries) I think I have made some progress in being able to anticipate what the contents of the bottle will taste like and what will be … Continue reading

30 January 2008
by wpAdmin

The Bible in Pictures

Or, if not strictly pictures, then amazingly detailed graphs. Catching up on the Tall Skinny Kiwi’s blog yesterday, I came across a link for a site called Visualizing the Bible. The creator of this, Chris Harrison, has extracted data from … Continue reading

26 January 2008
by wpAdmin

Hither Green Community Meetings

Check my Walking Hither Green blog for details of two local community meetings next week. Click the clock tower picture for more. Technorati Tags: walking hither green local hither green community

23 January 2008
by wpAdmin

Other Walkers

I have been discovering other people blogging about walking round their neighbourhoods on the Walking Hither Green blog. Click the clock tower picture for more. Technorati Tags: walking hither green local hither green blogging

22 January 2008
by wpAdmin

School Work

One of the places I regularly visit on the Internet is the Digital Photography School Forum where I serve as a moderator. As well as learning more about photography myself and encouraging others, I have also been granted the power … Continue reading