Wulf's Webden

The Webden on WordPress

Do Not Underestimate…


Lots of useful things done in the garden yesterday; plants moved out the soil, creating room for plants to move into the coldframe, creating room for further tidying up in the polytunnel and new batches of seed to be planted.

We also did some other tidying up outside and started putting up the netting on the frame we constructed last week to protect our fruit bushes. Unfortunately, it turns out I underestimated how much we would need. Not to worry as there is not much fruit to protect just yet. Generally speaking, underestimating quantities is a real pain but, in this case we are pleased with the product (18mm heavy duty netting from William James) and the need to order more gives us an opportunity to get some other things too (like insect mesh to create screens inside the polytunnel doors — we are using fleece at the moment but needs something that will let the wind through rather than being buffeted by it).

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