Wulf's Webden

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Foolish Folk


Gig flyer

Foolish Folk (1 April 2011)

Pete and I made an impromptu trip (as Peter and the Wulf) to Oxford Folk Club last night, and it was good to get back into the swing of giving a performance. We will be running our folk session down at the Isis Farmhouse again on 20 March but are also getting into gear for the Foolish Folk gig we are organising down there on 1 April.

I created the flyer using Inkscape. I used a woodcut image from Wikimedia Commons (originally by Camille Flammarion, 1888) and, for the background, a very subtle copy of a page from an ancient book of Psalms (creative commons image by Jill — not our fiddle player!).

Entry is £3, on the door.

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