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Deep to Deep Report – April 2008


Deep to Deep

Yesterday, Saturday 26 April, saw a motley gathering of bassists gathering at Mid Sussex Christian Centre in Burgess Hill for another Deep to Deep event:

Group Picture - edited

More photos can be found on my Flickr account by clicking on the group shot above.

Fourteen of us gathered together, representing everything from seasoned bassists with twenty or more years or experience with some who are just starting out or more familiar with other instruments. We started the day with a time of prayer and a worship song, Jesus, Be the Centre, which I managed to kick off in the wrong key. So much for twenty years of experience!

We also had a few organised sessions, sharing skills:

  • “All in the Fingers” – Benjamin shared some ideas for right hand techniques, from two alternating fingers to slapping and strumming. The most important point was to practise enough that the motions become automatic so you can use them to make music rather than having the technique get in the way of the playing.
  • “Musician, Listen to Thyself” – I talked about practicalities and value of learning by recording your playing and reviewing the results, including a demonstration of how my Zoom H2 makes it simple to go from a live recording to files I can review on my computer.
  • “And All That Jazz” – Andrew explained how to jazz up familiar songs ideas such as ii-V-I turnarounds and tritone substitutions, liberally illustrated with examples.

Thanks to Graham and other members of the home-team for hosting us and for everyone who came along. I am looking forward to the next one (watch this space).

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