Wulf's Webden

The Webden on WordPress

Three a Day


Not square meals but gigs! Once I publish this post I will be heading out the door to Merton Abbey Mills (directions) where The Pico Brown Five will be playing on the bandstand from 12-2pm. The band then head across to The Brief (directions) in Croydon where we will be playing from 3-6pm. This will be a more informal affair, more like a rehearsal than a gig but people are welcome to stop by for a drink and a listen.

Finally, Pico and I will be staying on in Croydon to perform with our other band, The Elusive Teeth, at Croydon Folk and Blues Club in Ruskin House (directions). That club charges a £2 cover fee and there will be a range of performers between about 8:30pm and 11pm.

Better go… there’s music to make!

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