One of the thoughts I picked up at last week’s Lewisham Bloggers get-together was that my commenting system appears somewhat arcane to the uninitiated. Follow the invitation, click on the picture and, Shazam!, you will find yourself gazing at one of the photos in my Flickr account perhaps wondering what to do next.
There are some postings that explain my thinking but they are buried. Here is the starting point from September last year:
… I’ve been pondering the lack of a commenting facility on my blog. I had a thought the other day that my Flickr account has an excellent commenting system (including notification to me of new comments and a chance for participants to follow up postings they have made and stay in the conversation) and that most of my pictures haven’t garnered any comments in their own right.
That thought grew and developed, giving me ample scope to improve my javascript-fu as I worked with the jQuery library to create a smooth link between my blog and my Flickr account. I have posted plenty of details that will be of interest to the technically inclined.
However, the point is taken about how confusing it might seem so I am now pondering how I can add some helpful information to the page.
- Technorati Tags:
- commenting
- blogging
- flickr
- jquery
- explanation
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