Wulf's Webden

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Copper Cross


Link to Picture Set

Yesterday morning I spotted that the Creative Tabletop Photography group on Flickr was running a new challenge called Symbols of Easter. At that point the entries were eggs and bunnies; some very interesting shots (all created in improvised, tabletop studios) but nothing reflecting the Christian aspects of the celebration.

Therefore, I grabbed down a copper cross that my father sculpted many years ago, dusted it and set up an old curtain (long since turned to use as a decorating dust sheet) on the kitchen table and got to taking pictures.

I chose a perspective looking down on the cross. My viewpoint was fixed and I chose to operate the camera in full manual mode, partly just for the sake of learning how but also because that gave me the full scope of control for seeing how aperture, shutter speed and ISO settings interact.

All told, I took about forty pictures and selected the six I was most pleased with (including one deliberately grainy shot and another with zoom blur. If you really like it, you can even make use of the one I have cropped and adjusted for use as my own desktop wallpaper.

Easter is still two weeks away but I was thankful for the prompt to mediate on the Christian meanings yesterday morning through the medium of photography.

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