Wulf's Webden

The Webden on WordPress

30 March 2006
by wpAdmin

Pictures in Progress

I’ve been making progress on processing and uploading my pictures from the Sevilla trip – you can see the ones I’ve published to Flickr so far by checking my espa

29 March 2006
by wpAdmin

Haiku Follow-up

I’ve finished The Haiku Handbook, which I wrote about earlier this month. So, for all that reading, what have I learnt? Firstly, that slavish adherence to seventeen syllables, in a pattern of 5 / 7 / 5, fails to capture … Continue reading

27 March 2006
by wpAdmin

Article 18

Article 18 of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community … Continue reading

26 March 2006
by wpAdmin

Six Days in Sevilla

I’ve been quiet on the blogging side for the past week because Jane and I have been enjoying a week in the city of Sevilla in southern Spain. I’m considering a series of daily blogs reflecting back on our journey … Continue reading

17 March 2006
by wpAdmin

Now Our Enemy

Recently I took a youth service over in Dartford (see previous entries and the tentative website) and preached on the subject of Gideon, a hero from the Biblical book of Judges. The scourge of Israel in Gideon’s day were a … Continue reading

16 March 2006
by wpAdmin

Bread Machine

Alas, I have to report that my much loved bread machine seems to be on its last legs. I thought it had died last week, when it got partway through and then turned off, forcing me to finish the loaf … Continue reading

15 March 2006
by wpAdmin

Urban Regeneration

Last night I attended my church not as a congregant or leader but for the public meeting being held there about the future of the Hither Green area. It was absolutely packed, well beyond expectations. Furthermore, the attendance wasn’t fuelled … Continue reading

14 March 2006
by wpAdmin


The Institute of Physics has an interesting write up on how a spider sticks to walls, including a close up of a spider’s foot. It’s fascinating stuff and unlikely to bug out any arachnophobes unless the thoughts of next generation … Continue reading