I’ve been quiet on the blogging side for the past week because Jane and I have been enjoying a week in the city of Sevilla in southern Spain. I’m considering a series of daily blogs reflecting back on our journey like I did for our walk along the Camino de Santiago last year but, at the moment, I’m still working through the photos!
One thing I’m trying as an experiment is to not only tag each picture with words describing the content and place but also a note of the date when it was taken, for which I’m using the unequivocal YYYYMMDD format. This allows me to browse Flickr and see what other pictures people were taking on that day; over 900 of them, using that tag!
As well as having curiosity interest, it is handy for me (giving the photos a sense of sequence) and also contributes to the social web aspect of the Flickr site. Once I’ve done some more tagging on my pictures, I’ll be able to explore other people’s views of places I’ve been to. It’s a fuzzy science, as I’ll miss pictures that have used slightly different tags for the same places, but because there are so many pictures on Flickr, should open up some interesting perspectives.
Tags: Sevilla, Seville, Camino de Santiago, Flickr, web2.0, social web