Wulf's Webden

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Filament Thoughts


I’m a long way off being a 3D printing filament expert but I’m starting to form a few views from first hand experience. So far, I’ve experienced PLA, in the tiny amount of white filament that came with the printer and the spool of black I bought, and PETG, in white (Bambu’s PETG HF, or high flow, variety).

Both give impressive results, or at least results which have impressed me. In theory, the PETG is a little more flexible and more durable when used outside although some videos I’ve seen suggest that both can work pretty well. I do wish I’d bought grey rather than black PLA. Black probably will be ideal for some applications but it does make parts harder to see in dark corners. Perhaps I’ll want that for some applications but camouflage doesn’t seem like a major bonus now.

The other factor, which I haven’t seen commented on so often, is the smell. I believe both are regarded as pretty safe (compared to some alternatives) but the PLA makes it much more obvious that I’ve been printing plastic. It is enough of a stink that I’d rather not be in the room when the printing is going on while the PETG doesn’t bother me at all.

I’ve got plenty more to go on both spools at the moment but, as they start to run down, I probably won’t get another black immediately and I might consider sticking to the PETG, depending on available prices.

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