Wulf's Webden

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RSPB Garden Birdwatch 2025


Along with our visiting friend, Simon, we took part in the annual RSPB garden birdwatch this morning. You spend an hour watching birds in your garden and note down the highest number of each species you see landed in your garden. This year, we saw six goldfinches at once, which is well above the county and national average of one; the local population of this colourful bird is doing well and has got used to visiting the feeders in our garden. We only got three sparrows, though although sometimes we get ten or more at once. In that case it makes our return average – although I’ve always counted them as a regular visitor to all my gardens, others (including Simon) rarely see them at all.

A little later in the day, we also saw two reed buntings. Those are unusual visitors for us – it is the first time we recall seeing them in our garden. I wonder if they were disrupted by yesterday’s high winds? There is what I would expect as more usual habitat for them about a mile away, where the canal merges into the River Soar. I cheekily included them in our online return although I did also include a note to say that they were seen after the main count.

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