Wulf's Webden

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Signed, Sealed, Delivered from the depths of my memory


I was jamming round with some friends this afternoon and the Stevie Wonder tune Signed, Sealed, Delivered got called. I went through a period playing that a lot, when I held the bass chair in (the long defunct) Lovesjones but that was twenty or more years ago.

At its heart, SSD is a pretty simple song, with a handful of obvious chords and one key riff, more or less just running down a Dorian scale, that crops up multiple times. It seemed to come back satisfyingly easily although listening to one of my Lovesjones recordings there might be some details I need to check. Or perhaps we just made them up? It was a pretty free flowing band, which explains why the original is just under three minutes long and, at the particular gig I am listening to, we span it out for the best part of ten minutes.

Tomorrow, I think I need to sit down with (recordings of) Mr Wonder and do some proper revision.

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