Wulf's Webden

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Somebody didn’t get the memo


Wombling - 13 May 2021
Today’s wombling

Jane and I did another litter pick today. In the photo above, you can see that we’ve separated out the recycling but you can also see a collection of small blue and black bags. We didn’t open them but suspect they contain dog poo, all dumped at a single spot on our route.

It does make you wonder what the person who bagged all that excrement was thinking. What is the point of bagging it up and then throwing it by the path? We didn’t even have to step off the path to pull the bags with our pickers. You wonder if someone didn’t get the memo about why dog walkers pick up the stuff or didn’t have the nouse to read beyond the first sentence.

Anyway, that’s more grot pulled out of the local byways.

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