England has a roadmap out of lockdown – no more tiers (yet) but the ‘rule of six’ returns: no more than six people able to congregate outside from 29 March. People find this a bit confusing and I’m sure they would say the same about this contribution for my RPM challenge.
I’ve used a D major hexatonic scale as the basis for the piece (D E F# A B C#). Dropping the fourth limits the range of available chords. I’ve looped D with an added sixth (D F# B) and A major (A C# E) but I’ve done so though the shuffling looper on my Helix, which creates a much more complex soundscape. Further editing followed in Logic as well as a second shuffled loop, producing a six minute long bed of sound.
I improvised over the top, using the hexatonic scale, and I’ve left that as it was although I have adjusted the panning as the piece moves on to create a wider soundscape and copied a few segments which have been repeated to add depth.
So, there you have my meditation on the rule of six. Why is it not exactly 6 minutes long? Well, it was but, well, reverb trails!