Wulf's Webden

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Back to Woodwork


One of the things I’ve come back to after my recent break is part two of the bookshelf project. This one is a narrower shelf, for smaller paperbacks, so sounds like it should be easier. However, the challenge is that it has to fit above a radiator but still support a fair weight of books.

I think I’ve got a suitably cunning plan and have managed to get the plywood, which will form the main material for this one, purchased as a few sheets and cut into a few suitably shaped planks. My main limitation at the moment is that I can only work on long pieces outside during daylight hours and when it is dry. As well as needing more space than I have indoors, it prevents the huge amount of sawdust a router can generate being such a problem.

Perhaps I’ll get a little more done tomorrow afternoon if the weather forecast holds good.

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