Wulf's Webden

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Bernwood Forest


This afternoon, Jane and went for a stroll in the ancient woodland of Bernwood Forest. I don’t think the part we walked round was that ancient in the planting as I think I could have wrapped my arms around the girth of any of the trees we saw but it is an area that has been devoted to the purpose of being forest for centuries. It certainly provides a rich natural habitat and we saw lots of butterflies and a fair few dragonflies on our perambulation.

I also took my sketchbook and watercolours and came up with this:

Abstract treeline

Treeline at Bernwood Forest

It started with a blind drawing tracing the different tree contours I could see ahead of me. I then coloured it in, taking care to take all sorts of liberties with the lines, with a base of pre-mixed green (Hooker’s Green?) mixed with various other colours to add variety. Realistic? Not particularly but I’m pleased with the energy of this one, which does capture something of the variety of the habitat. It is probably enough to spot that there was a mixture of deciduous and coniferous trees even if species identification will remain elusive.

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