Wulf's Webden

The Webden on WordPress

So Much For Sleet


I’m sure that when I checked the forecast last night, we were going to be getting sleet during the night and most of the morning and light snow only in the afternoon. However, that’s definitely snow blanketing the ground outside:

Snow in the back garden

Snow is Here

If you look hard, you can see a blue tit on the feeder. This rather vintage look isn’t straight from the camera (iPad Pro) but I’ve done some work in The GIMP. As well as cropping to a wider format (16:9), I picked white, black and grey points (which warmed the image up a lot) and tweaked them with the curves tool. It still seemed a bit bright so I also toned down the saturation before applying a little sharpening. I’m counting this one towards my 52photos project but, if you want, you can also see the unaltered version of this image:

Snow in the back garden

Snow is Here – unedited

Now to start thinking about how we’re going to get down to church this morning.

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