Wulf's Webden

The Webden on WordPress



I’m brewing again – this time an attempt on Graham Wheeler’s Sarah Hughes Dark Ruby mild, which I’ve christened Feberuby. I didn’t quite hit the target original gravity (.006 points under at 1.052), probably because I only boiled for 60 rather than 90 minutes but that means I’m left with more liquid and it is still the heaviest wort I’ve made to date.

The biggest challenge this time round is that my Codlo temperature control gadget seems to have packed up. Fortunately my home made temperature monitor is still working (after a bit of online research revealed how changes to the Raspberry Pi require an extra line in one of the configuration files). I’m not using that to turn the brew belt on and off but at least I’ll be able to track the temperature and manually give a burst when needed.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to seeing how this turns out.

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