Wulf's Webden

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The Best Presents


All sorts of presents are fantastic but what marks the best ones out? The ideal ones would bring instant delight but also have longevity. That is harder for consumables although they have the potential of laying down lasting memories. I think that ideally they should be a link between giver and receiver, reflecting something of both and perhaps open up possibilities for something fresh and new.

We’ve had our Christmas stockings which are a warm up, a collection of small things which mainly fall into the categories of useful or edible, and the main exchange of gifts is lined up for after a light lunch (and before a massive dinner). I’m sure there will be many things in the haul that match my criteria – hopefully in what is given as well as in what is received.

I don’t think we’ll manage to outdo the real heart of Christmas though – baby in a manger, saviour, light of the world and God’s gift of grace. Delight (after centuries of anticipation) and lasting now and into eternity ahead. A demonstration of God’s love, meeting our need and building a link between us. A gift that took 30 or more years to come to fruition but bursting forth into a change on a cosmic scale that dwarfs mere stars and choirs of angels.

Happy and lasting Christ-mas to you all.

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