Wulf's Webden

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I had great fun on Friday evening at The String Project gig. There is a buzz that comes from playing to an appreciative audience, especially when it is a full house, and the James Street Tavern was packed to bursting. Not only that but I think the group managed its best performance so far during my tenure with two well-delivered and well-received sets.

Hearing the other two acts was also great and I got a ringside seat, sat down right next to the floor monitors. My personal highlight of the evening was probably the jam session at the end where I helped drive a few jazz funk grooves based on riffs like “All Blues” and “Cold Duck Time”. By that point my fingers well well warmed up and, playing familiar material, notes flowed smoothly, dripping from the fingerboard in glorious cascades, supporting the other players and occasionally taking a chance to dance on the top.

We’re out again next week, due on at Merton Abbey Mill in South London at about 4:30pm so back to the practise room; no resting on the laurels just yet!

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  1. Pingback: On a roll! | The String Project

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