Wulf's Webden

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Uke Tutor


Learning at Work week (19-25 May this year) is a national campaign aimed at persuading employers to encourage their employees to keep their brain switched on during the working week. The University of Oxford, a fertile environment for the mind, doesn’t really need a dedicated week as it provides year-round engagement but it is throwing itself into supporting the event. I, as an employee of that august institution, have stepped up to the plate and offered to lead a session or two.

One of the ideas, which I will be working on this lunchtime with the ukulele group I attend (jUKEbox) is to run an “Introduction to the Ukulele” event. We’ve got a room booked but now need to start pinning down the ideas of what can go in. As an experienced musician and with plenty of public speaking under my belt, I’ll probably take a lion’s share in the proceedings but part of the teaching will be encouraging other members of the group to play an active part. We need to pick some songs to perform, a few techniques to demonstrate and make some time for any visitors to have a go.

It should be fun but getting the foundations down now will help — all part of the learning process.

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