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Deep to Deep Report — October 2012


Group shot of ten bassists

Deep to Deep, October 2012: Dan, Benjamin, Drew, Wulf, Steve, Les, Steve, Phil, Peter and Toni

Thanks to Dan for hosting us at Wallingford Baptist Church yesterday for the second Deep to Deep gathering of 2012.Ten of us gathered, with over a century of accumulated experience between us although, following the trend of the last few events, a string average of below five (although you can see three of the six string basses present in the group shot above).

As normal, there was plenty of time to relax together and try out interesting bits of gear. I was quite taken by some of the tiny amps, including the little silver Ashdown one on top of Steve’s rig in the foreground of this photo and also by the TC Electronic heads that both Drew and Benjamin were using. From the things I took along, my upright bass (seen in the back row of this shot with Peter) was of particular interest to others.

We also had a couple of open discussions, one starting with how to play tasteful and appropriate fills and the other branching out from my unorthodox approach to tuning (from low D to high Eb on my six string). As well as talking, we also did some playing together, with a couple of songs in the morning and a group improvisation to close the day.

The next date and venue are still to be decided but it will probably be in the spring of 2013 and further afield for me than Wallingford but closer to some of the others (who yesterday came from as far apart as Stowmarket and Southampton.

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