Wulf's Webden

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End of the Legend


Or, at least, the end of the “Legend Bush’ tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum). The last few tomatoes were green and the plants kept on picking up patches of mould so it was not a particularly glorious end but, since I started picking them at the beginning of August I’ve had 158 fruit from these vines, including many that have equalled or bettered that first sample:

A large red tomato, with a ruler in shot showing it to be about 7cm across

Legend Bush Tomato

I got the seeds from the Real Seed Catalogue for less than £2. Given that I was also able to pass several plants on in the St Clement’s plant sale and give some others away as well, that is a real deal. I would say that they have already paid for the space they took up in the polytunnel (probably part of the successful long harvest season we had) and, as a bonus, I have some seeds saved to try these again next year.

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