Wulf's Webden

The Webden on WordPress

31 October 2009
by wpAdmin

Frying pan!

More work in the garden this morning, preparing some ground and planting out some rhubarb. I hope they will take — they have been hanging round for months and were very dry. If they don’t show any signs of life, … Continue reading

30 October 2009
by wpAdmin

St John’s Wort

This morning I was up early and out in the garden. As well as my daily tasks of feeding and mucking out the chickens and emptying the compost from the kitchen (along with the contributions from the chicken coop), I … Continue reading

28 October 2009
by wpAdmin


I came across a brilliant idea this morning for dealing with unwanted plants on a patch of land – rent a goat! Goats are wonderful creatures, blessed with a voracious appetite and multiple stomachs. Unfortunately, it probably wouldn’t do for … Continue reading

27 October 2009
by wpAdmin

First Outing Follow-up

Sunday’s first outing with the blue electric guitar went pretty well. I need to do some more thinking about how to set things up so I can hear myself better without overpowering other people but I managed to make it … Continue reading

25 October 2009
by wpAdmin

First Outing

Today marks two things. Firstly, it is the end of British Summer Time so that means I am bright an awake an hour earlier than I would otherwise have been and enjoying the feeling of running ahead of time! Secondly, … Continue reading

23 October 2009
by wpAdmin

Different Muscles

I am reminded at the moment of how different forms of exercise require different muscles. My bike is currently out of commission; it has problems with the bottom bracket, rear axle, brakes and more, which make it unsafe to ride. … Continue reading

22 October 2009
by wpAdmin

Yew Arils

Yew (Taxus baccata) is a wonderful tree, especially when gnarled with age, but also a deadly poisonous one. Seeds, leaves and bark are loaded with taxol and thus it is not regarded as an edible tree. However, the red, fleshy … Continue reading

19 October 2009
by wpAdmin

Busy Weekend

Gosh, that was a busy weekend. Certainly no time to squeeze off a blog post or two between all the gardening, cooking, entertaining and playing. Still, it was nice to end with an informal gig at the Isis last night … Continue reading