Wulf's Webden

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To the Point


7Days3 - To the Point

Another day, another 7 Days shot.

I set the shot up aiming to play around with wide angle distortion but was a hampered by lack of time and light. Rather than getting a result like the picture that inspired me I ended up with wild 70’s rocker look instead.

I reckon I could have fitted right into Jethro Tull – other suggestions (see the comments on the picture) include Meatloaf, Michael Anthony (hairy bassist from Van Halen) and (via Twitter) Thijs van Leer.

The shot was taken using the D40’s kit lens (18-55mm) right at the wide end. I used a high ISO and slow shutter speed to make up for the fact that I couldn’t make the aperture too wide – it suffers from limited depth of field as it is. I also used the on-camera flash but at a low power, with a diffuser and without wearing my glasses to cut down on unsightly glare. Colours and definition have been enhanced with post processing.

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