Wulf's Webden

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Back to the Brief (Again)


Yesterday’s Worship Central was great. I did successfully experiment with twittering about it, although it looks like I was the only one using the hashtag #worshipcentral which rather defeated the social networking aspect of that idea!

I’ve got to get away from my computer and up to church in a minute, walking the way of the worship leader, so I will let my reflections mull for a while before sharing them. However I did want to note that that The Pico Brown Five are back to The Brief in Croydon again this afternoon.

As last month it is more of an open rehearsal. We get space to try out some ideas and you can come along and watch for free. In return for the space, the pub gets a few more customers on a Sunday afternoon and everyone wins. It is not exactly an open mic but if someone brings along a instrument I am sure we could make space for them to sit in on a tune or two. I am looking forward to it, not least because I feel a lot better than I did last month and so should be able to do a bit more than set up the gear and sniffle my way through the bottom line.

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