Since starting my attempt to become more educated about wine (see wine review blog entries) I think I have made some progress in being able to anticipate what the contents of the bottle will taste like and what will be a suitable drink for an occasion rather than just a great-looking bottle to decorate the table.
I have been scoring each wine but I must admit that the numbers have been plucked out of my head. I understand that there are carefully developed scoring systems but I do not want to make the task too burdensome. However, I would like to introduce a bit more consistency. Therefore, I am going to attempt to stick to the following scale:
- Bleugh! Not a wine I would willingly drink again.
- Meh! I can take it or leave but given the choice would leave it.
- Mmmmnnn. Pleasant enough but not a choice I would go out of my way for.
- Tasty! I would happily buy more of this and will also look out for similar choices.
- Fantastic! An excellent drink and one that I would gladly return to.
My scoring will still be relatively informal and will also reflect the price – for example, I will stick with a 4 for the Languedoc Roussillon Fitou 2005 that was my most recent subject because, although unsophisticated, it was a bargain at £2.99 and I would gladly buy more at that price to go with simple, winter-warming food.
Now I have to decide whether my next post in this series will revise all my previous gradings or tackle my latest fitou experience.
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