Wulf's Webden

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Lewisham Bloggers – Follow-up


I am back from tonight’s meeting of Lewisham bloggers, which I posted about yesterday. I am just waiting for midnight to roll around and then I can publish this entry, taking care of my Saturday blogging and possibly being the first of the motley crew to follow-up the gathering.

I did not take note of everyone’s blog addresses (although I was familiar with many of them) so it will be tricky to verify that. However, it was great to meet with a whole bunch of people, most of whom I have never seen face-to-face before but many of whom have written things that I have read. I am looking forward to picking up the feedback, seeing some photos and reading some more.

Thanks again to Andrew for organising it and to everyone who came along.

ps. … and I promise I will think about adding some extra explanation about my apparently random commenting system!

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