Wulf's Webden

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Strength in Weakness


I spoke at church this morning to share a few thoughts from the trip to Soul Survivor. I’ve been struggling with flu-like symptoms over the past couple of days so it wasn’t lost on me that one of the key verses was 2 Cor 12:9: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”. It seemed to go okay and I’ll trust that God can do something worthwhile with the contributions I made.

It was grand also to have one of the youth alongside me in the worship group and see him taking the lead in the final song. I don’t think it is the fulness of what Paul was writing about but there is a real strength that comes as we support each other, both making room, giving encouragement and, at times, stepping forward. It doesn’t all have to be about one fallible person and, in most cases, is better when it isn’t.

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