At tonight’s St Clement’s Lent course we were considering Mark 10:46-52, the healing of blind Bartimaeus. As I read slowly through the passage, it stuck me that I could understand something of that blindness. I don’t see the story as it happened or even as Mark recorded it but through the English translations available to me. It was suggested that we dwell on phrases and words but, while that often brings insight, I was aware of how blind that left me, relying on rumours, whispers and other ways of sensing to try and make sense of what was going on. A bit like Bartimaeus.
And then not like Bartimaeus at all. Boldly crying out for help from Jesus and refusing to be quietened by the crowd. When the message comes that Jesus wants to meet him the crowd changes its tune but Bartimaeus leaps up and (still unseeing at this point) flings his cloak behind him. And then, once healed, he immediately follows Jesus without delay. That kind of boldness is not like me at all.
Still, Jesus says to all, “what would you like me to do for you?”