Wulf's Webden

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Gig Report


As promised, last night The Elusive Teeth returned to the Folkmob club in Eltham. In the end, we only got to play a couple of our tunes but they both sounded great.

One of the pleasures of the open mic scene is that it is not just about playing but also a chance to listen to others. Some are fantastic and, frankly, others less so but I love the supportive, appreciative atmosphere. You also get to hear some quirky stuff that sticks in your mind. From last night, I will probably be carrying the solo banjo version of Freebird and the rendering of The Rolling Stone’s I Can’t Get No Satisfaction from an alternative universe where Keith Richards was inspired by Johnny Cash instead of Otis Redding round in my head for a while.

ps. Since the subject is the same as yesterday, I’m going to leave the same picture as the holding point for comments. Commenting on groups of related postings might be a useful twist allowed by my Flickr-linked commenting system.

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