At last night’s cell group meeting it was my turn to lead the worship segment and, since we’ve had a whole run of meetings that have relied on music (singing or listening to CDs) I wanted to do something a little bit different. The theme of the meeting, picking up the teaching from Sunday, was the Holy Spirit and so I took that as my starting point in my thinking and praying and searching for ideas. Who is the Holy Spirit? What does he do? What images does the Bible (and Christian symbology) use to represent him?
Among the strongest answers to the last question are fire, water, wind and anointing oil. Initially my thoughts went in that direction but, being hosted at somebody else’s house, I had to be a little bit careful not to become impractical! I turned to Jonny Baker’s repository of Worship Tricks and, after some browsing, found myself coming back to #2: postcards.
That links to a good resource site but how, I wondered, could I translate that into something that would work with the people in our cell group and the place we were meeting? Watch for part II for the answer; for now, I’ll just say that the picture to the right was part of it!
Tags: worship, worship tricks, cell group, water, holy spirit