Wulf's Webden

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Just a bass, a lead and an amp


This morning, I expected to be running the sound desk or perhaps just assisting, since the person on the rota was able to be around after all. That was just as well as, shortly after arriving, I got a call from today’s bassist to say that he and the lady due to play acoustic guitar and add backing vocals weren’t going to be able to make it. They had unavoidable reasons but fortunately today’s keyboard player keeps his bass down at church and so I was able to step in on bass and vocals. Confusing? Yes, but we go there.

One consequence was that I was missing the Helix LT board I normally play through. I was just going direct to the amp (and hooked into the main system). It was also a borrowed amp – originally I was due to have a concert band gig this afternoon (rained off) so my own amp was at home rather than at church! Given that, I was pretty pleased with how much I still sounded like me. I’m not ready to eschew all the gubbins I often carry around but it is good, once in a while, to make music without falling back on it.

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