Yesterday I got round to bottling my latest batch of homebrew beer. I’ve called this one Friday’s Rent because of the coincidence of a couple of factors. Firstly, I brewed it on Good Friday and, secondly, it is based on Graham Wheeler’s recipe for Timothy Taylor Best Bitter. How does that add up? I thought it was based on Taylor’s Landlord beer so my brain went off on Good Friday being a sign that the price for sin has been paid in full on the cross by Jesus and so the ‘rent’ (what a Landlord might demand) has been dealt with. Obviously that doesn’t work so well with it actually being a different beer (and no consolation that I must have made the mistake before – I was sure I’d brewed Landlord but I’ve only got records of Best) but the brew seems to have turned out okay so I’m not too bothered and I’ll stick with the name! I might check back anyway as it’s possible I’ve written down the wrong name on my spreadsheet.
The vital statistics are that it is a relatively light coloured beer with an ABV of about 4.2% (slightly over target). Now to let it sit and mature for a while.