Wulf's Webden

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Too subtle?


At tonight’s Charnwood Symphonic Wind Orchestra, we spent the first half working on Eighties Flashback. It is a new piece to us and consists of various pop hits from the 1980s, like Thriller, Time After Time and Eye of the Tiger, arranged into a medley Paul Murtha.

I’d discussed breaking out some special effects with the conductor before half term. I normally play with a fairly straight sound with CSWO but this one seems to call out for synth bass, rock distortion, chorus and more. Tonight I got to try out the settings I’d been working on… and no one seemed to bat an eyelid. Possibly they were busy concentrating on their own parts or could it be that I’d been a bit too subtle?

I’ve got a week to ponder the answer and decide if I need to ramp up the cheesy sounds for the cheesy pop music!

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