Wulf's Webden

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Dog, No Pony


Have I ever been to a dog and pony show? Given that this colloquial term means an over-staged promotional event, I’d have to say that the answer is probably yes although I won’t dig back in my memory banks to expose the guilty. Have I ever been to a dog show though? The answer to that would be no, until today.

One of our neighbours is serious about dogs – looking after them, grooming them and often attending national dog shows. This morning, she mentioned to Jane that she was taking some dogs across to Long Clawson, a small village about half an hour from here. The event wasn’t well advertised but she’d given us enough information that we decided to take a chance on it and so we arrived not too long after the main event had started.

It was all very low key and good natured. Given that most of the dogs I’ve known tend to get overly excited around other dogs, the standard of canine behaviour on display was unexpectedly high, although there is a certain measure of owner-selection about that. If you are going to a field full of people and other dogs you don’t take the over-excitable ones who are likely to play up.

Anyway, dog show and a pleasant trip out to the countryside ticked off and I wouldn’t be averse to another one at this informal end of things.

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