I’ve been a long-time wearer of spectacles to correct my distance vision but, over the last few months, I’ve increasingly noted that my close-up vision has become a bit suspect too. If I needed to read small print, I’d have to lift my glasses up and look quite closely, but not too closely. I got my eyes tested early in the summer and came out with a new set of regular glasses and a set of reading glasses.
Unfortunately, I don’t always carry the reading glasses around with me. I could have done with them tonight at Training Band. I was sitting next to our trombonist who has had a problem with her emails and hadn’t got the music for the new term. She could make some headway looking at my tuba parts but they often dip below the trombone’s safe range. For one of the pieces, I also had a trombone part on my iPad so I took a photo of my tuba score on my phone and then loaded up the trombone one.
Having practised it yesterday it was just about doable but it was certainly tiny. That would have been an ideal outing for the reading specs, which were sitting safely on my music stand at home!