Wulf's Webden

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Spring Harvest at Home


One of the (I think) positive things about the COVID-19 pandemic was that certain things that would have been marked ‘impossible’ in the past rapidly became possible. Calling up your gran for a quick web conference? Suddenly, everybody learned a new meaning for the word ‘zoom’ and telepresence took a great step forward.

Spring Harvest, a long-running Christian event that happens at various holiday camps in Britain around Easter was all set to kick off in 2020 and then lockdown happened. The team did a marvellous job of cobbling together an online version and, in 2021, they repeated that with a slightly more refined version which I was able to enjoy with several people from my church – in the comfort (and required seclusion) of our own homes but using technology to participate in it together.

Last year was a lot more scaled back online but they have worked out a way to offer online access again this year, which started tonight and runs to the end of the week. You can probably still get your online ticket for Spring Harvest Home, which gives access from two devices at a time and catch up on all the broadcast sessions until the end of April.

Tonight’s one was a fantastic start and has got me thinking about Christmas already! I know some people have had problems accessing it (I’m going to pop round to help a friend out tomorrow) but worth a look if this week looked quiet and boring at home!

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