Wulf's Webden

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Angels in the Sock Gallery


The current exhibition of artwork in Loughborough’s Sock Gallery is The Angel Project, featuring a range of paintings and drawings by artist John Rattigan. I’ve been meaning to get there for a while but the last few times I’ve been in town I have either been too busy or I’ve missed the closing time (3pm). If you do want to catch it, you have until 25 February.

Rattigan has a distinctive style, semi-figurative but with strong nods to various modern art movements including cubism. It isn’t as abstract as those movements sometimes become but he makes use of bold colours and geometric shapes while often not being content to depict his subjects from a single point of perspective. His subjects, as the name suggests, are angels (some fallen) and the mood is gently humorous.

I would love to know more about why he picked the subject, what he has drawn on as his sources and more. You are left to figure out and guess at what is behind them apart from a brief paragraph of background from the artist. Worth a visit for art lovers although, with these angels, their message remains rather unclear.

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