Wulf's Webden

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Back to the Future


A couple of days ago I got a chance to rewatch Back to the Future (1985). Despite being almost forty years old, I think it generally holds up pretty well. In a more recent film, you might expect some slightly better effects, including the aging of the actors who play the hero’s parents in 1955 / 1985 and the burning wheel tracks from the DeLorean time machine, and the hanging question of what happens to the terrorists after their van crashes might be tied up better. That said, there are plenty of little details that show the film is thinking about the possibilities and risks of time travel.

The subtitles were a slight let down. I’m pretty sure the guitarist from the dance band is calling up his cousin Chuck and not, as they suggested, John! The latter would rather lose the ‘Ah, that’s how that thing was invented’ joke although there are plenty more in that vein throughout the whole show. Still, whether you find it being broadcast, watch it online or dig back into your VCR tape collection, Back to the Future gets a thumbs up from me as a good bit of entertainment for the turn of the year.

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