This is not what I wanted to see this morning:
It’s faint but clearly positive. I probably picked it up on Wednesday which is when, according to a notice the NHS app sent me later in the week, I was in close contact with one or two people who had subsequently tested positive. That’s vague but I think I saw two messages and I can’t figure out how to find either in the app.
I’ve had a mild sore throat since Thursday, which I initially thought was just from leading a song rather exuberantly at the Toddlers’ group on Wednesday and then, when it was still there the next day, possibly just a sore throat – it isn’t a key symptom of COVID-19 on the official guidance. I did a clear test yesterday morning since we had a thanksgiving service at church in the afternoon for a recently departed and much loved member of the congregation. I hope that I wasn’t too infectious and the cautions I took with masking indoors and not widely mingling were enough to prevent me being ‘generous’ with COVID.
Anyway, I’ve reported today’s test, notified everyone I can who I’ve been in contact with this week and started thinking about contingency plans for forthcoming events. It looks like my view, until at least near the end of next week, will be the wonderful magnolia tree next door that I can see from my studio room and probably a bit more time than usual sitting out in the garden.