Wulf's Webden

The Webden on WordPress

Too Early


Normally the problem with deliveries is that you wait in all day and then they still don’t turn up. Today, though, the problem was that the attempted delivery came too early – 2-3 days too early!

A couple of days I ordered a new gadget for the church to capture audio and video. I’ve been using my iPad so far for most of the video, supported by my Zoom H1 for most of the audio, but I wanted something that will be easier to set up and which I can delegate to others to use as well. I’ve selected the Zoom Q2n 4K, which does both and ordered it from Gear4Music, who I’ve used for a couple of things (like my double bass) in the past. Delivery was due on Monday or Tuesday by which point we’ll have transferred base of operations to our new home.

We’re still in the rental place at the moment so I was surprised to see a text message telling me delivery was happening this morning. I’d also not checked the incoming text immediately so, it looked tight but feasible to get across town in time (after breakfast and throwing a couple more things in the car to ferry over). In the end though, I missed the delivery and it can only have been by a minute or two.

Oh well. I’ve rescheduled for Monday morning when I’ll have spent my first night in the house and I’m expecting a Virgin Media engineer to wire us up for broadband (hopefully within the 8am – 1pm window we’re expecting). Sometimes too early is just as awkward as too late.

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