Wulf's Webden

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Being Negative


Today’s watercolour painting is brought to you mainly by a technique known as negative painting. You start colouring the lightest areas (bar any you want to leave white) and then gradually paint the ‘negative’ shapes around them in darker and darker tones:

Golden Hop Tree
Golden Hop Tree

The subject is a close-up of Ptelea trifoliata ‘Aurea’ (a variety of Golden Hop Tree) that we saw at Bluebell Arboretum last week. Colourwise, I used up some more of my three greens mix (dark, sap, pale), with a bit of lemon yellow and also some touches of other colours that were on the palette. I didn’t want to go right up to the edge on this one so I stuck the paper down with masking tape all round, which did a good job of creating straight edges although it did tear the surface a little when removed.

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