Wulf's Webden

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Oh, no I didn’t


I mentioned on Sunday that I had been rehearsing for a pantomime but it looks like I hadn’t got round to giving any other information about that event. I’m on bass, as part of a small music group, and the show is Humpty Dumpty, performed by the Barrow upon Soar panto group.

I have to confess that the technical rehearsal on Saturday made me wonder if it might be more pants than panto but my confidence was restored on Sunday, when we had a full dress rehearsal. It’s amazing what make up and costumes (along with a darkened room and all the lighting and sound effects) can do. It won’t just be broken pieces but the full egg (and plenty of bad yolks… er, jokes).

The show will be performed this coming Friday and Saturday (6/7 March), both evenings and with a matinee on Saturday afternoon in the hall at the Humphrey Perkins School in the village of Barrow upon Soar. I’ve also tracked down where tickets can be purchased online – go to the local community association events page and look for the panto.

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