Wulf's Webden

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Hotpot with… noodles


The weekend’s meals. On Friday, I bought a cheap bit of lamb breast only to discover that all the recipes I could track down called for slow cooking so I made some fresh chips to go with frozen, breaded fish from the freezer. Yesterday, I chopped up the lamb after browning the outside and used it as part of a hotpot with pototoes, onions and various other ingredients.

Then today, after an afternoon stroll over at Calke Abbey, I was wondering what to do with the leftover hotpot. I spotted noodles in the cupboard, remembered the miso paste in the fridge and what turned out to be a rather tasty idea was born.

It meant it wasn’t the same dinner as yesterday – the miso added a rich flavour to the broth while the noodles gave some extra texture to the dish. Job done – and tastily too.

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