Wulf's Webden

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Artweeks 2019


Oxfordshire Artweeks, the county’s annual celebration of visual creativity, began last weekend but, between gigging and a brief holiday, today has been my first chance to explore what is on offer.

I took in a few things on my lunch break as I wandered back to the office from the library but my favourite exhibition today was Elaine Kazimierczuk (#159, on Osney Island). I landed at it almost by chance, having selected the most appealing thumbnail in the brochure near where I had dropped Jane off. It was definitely worth the time.

The paintings were generally large and abstracted from natural scenes in a way that isn’t dissimilar to my own style. They also appeared to be painted mainly on brightly coloured grounds. With a mixture of bold marks and palette choices along with finer detail, I found them very satisfying and an inspiration to make more time to commit things to paint myself.

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