Wulf's Webden

The Webden on WordPress

Chord wrangling


My church recently signed up for a trial of CCLI’s SongSelect service. I like being able to get lead sheets and even multi-line arrangements for recent songs, not least because it makes it easier to figure out which keys reign the melody into a usable range. I don’t like the integration with the OpenSong tool we use while leading so much, as it seems to provide PDFs which only give limited tools for adjusting the layout to fit our screens and clutter our devices with bulky hidden files.

However, it does turn out that I can copy the chord sheet version into a text file and need only a small amount of work to produce a ChordPro version that is much more flexible. It would be better if that came directly but I think it will save time when introducing new songs, even if it doesn’t get all the way… and some of that time can be invested in learning to sing and play them better!

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